Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I'm really excited for our next meeting. I'm still good to host for Tuesday Dec 2nd. Have we decided on a time yet? Heads up my address is:

65 San Juan Ct.
West Jordan, 84088

In the Vista Montana Condos (abt 8200 South and 2300 West)
You can call me for directions if need be 856-3671 or I think you can find a good map on google.
Can't wait to see everyone.


Confessions of a 30-Something Drama Queen said...

I think maybe 6:30 is a good time; gives people time to get there by 7. Or should we say 6 so people will get there by 6:30. Thoughts?

Jill said...

Let's plan on 630 and give people till 7 to get there. And did I need to do anything else other then clean my house?? :)