Monday, March 16, 2009

Edgar Sawtelle

So I'm not sure if we decided on a day or even month for our next book club. If we did, I was so not mentally there. I will be honest and tell you all that I have not made it very far yet. How is everyone else doing? Should we shoot for sometime in April? Did we also decide on who is hosting? I do remember I'm leading the discussion, which will be really sad if I don't even read the book... Good luck to you all!


Confessions of a 30-Something Drama Queen said...

We are planning to meet on the 25th. I believe Rachael is hosting. Sorry I haven't updated the blog. I suck. Are there others that want to reschedule for April? Or maybe someone else who wants to lead the discussion if Jill is feeling too much pressure?

Jill said...

I really have no problem with leading the discussion.. I'll just suck if I can't answer any of my own questions.. LOL. Oh well! Such is life. Can't wait to get together. I got a little further in the book today. Yay!